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Club Policies and Procedures 3 of 5

3. People & Ways to Play Documents

For all of our Club Policies and Procedures we have aligned them with the 7 Pillars of the England Hockey Club Strategy. This link into Good Practice as identified within the ClubMark accreditation.

ClubMark - Inspired & Effective People.

Coaching provision reviewed against EH guidance on appropriate coaching workforce. (for example coaching needs analysis, coaching provision etc)
- OSHC conform with all the latest guidance from England Hockey about Coach Education, Coach/Player Ratios and Player Development. In fact, the England Hockey Training and Development Manager is the Club Chairman! We aim to deliver a coaching experience with a minimum of 1: 16 for players in an adult environment, and 1:12 for those playing Junior hockey
- The club supports the development of its coaches, and would welcome interest from (and pay for) any parents/players that would like to attend any of the following workshops:
* Introduction to Hockey Coaching
* Engaging Games for Children
* Coaching for Club Players
* Umpiring Level 1
* Introduction to Hockey Umpiring
* Umpiring Small Sided Hockey

Please get in touch if you would be keen to find out more.

People Recruitment
The club are following EH safe recruitment guidance, is registered and using England Hockey’s Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) (for example website link, club notice board picture, sign agreement, minutes of adoption etc)
- Please see the Club's Safeguarding and Protecting Documents to review the club processes for recruitment of people involved in delivering hockey.

People Checks
All people that work regularly with young people have completed appropriate safeguarding training and update this training at recommended intervals (for example completed needs analysis, delivery plan, actions etc)
- The Club Reviews its deliverers every 3 months, and ensures that the relevant checks and training have been completed for all personnel at the relevant level. (For example, if helpers are only working in an open environment with multiple other parties around, they may not require full DBS disclosures.)

Induction for new workforce (coaches/volunteers) around policies and procedures. Key roles are communicated and understood. (for example e-newsletters, communications, minutes, signed agreements, etc)
- Details around Expectations placed on our Captains and Coaches are available in the "Expectations of OSHC Coaches and Captains" document within our Document Library
- Codes of Conduct are contained within our Club Policies and Procedures, to set expectations of all people involved with the club:- "RESPECT - England Hockey Code of Ethics & Behaviour"; we also have a specific "Code of Conduct Parent or Carer or Spectators" listed within our Information for Parents.

ClubMark - Different Ways to Play.

Playing Opportunities
The club provides a variety of playing opportunities (for example website links, adverts, communications, etc)
- The various playing opportunities that are available at the club can be see in the various documents available within our Player Development Documents